E-Rate Newsletter

Click on the date to view the E-Rate Newsletter

May 2012

May 24, 2012

2012 E-Rate Requests - Major Increase,  New PIA Review Procedure for MiCTA Members, Libraries and E-Rate, Do You Need An E-Rate Consultant?, The Perfect Private School Fundraiser, E-Rate Discount Demand, FCC Raises Funding Cap, MiCTA Virtual Conference


February 2012

February 6, 2012

E-Rate 471 Filing Tips, Letter to FCC Chairman Genachowski/Petition, E-Rate 471 Processing Common Mistakes, E-Rate for Libraries, MiCTA E-Rate Consultants, 471 Filing Assistance, Mobile Learning - Raising the Bar on Achievement, MiCTA Webinar -- “Using the MiCTA 470’s”